Saturday, March 13, 2010

My Short Review of Mafia Wars Blueprint, Does it Really Work?

I love Mafia Wars. Don't ask me why. It's a silly, very basic interfaced game that really only draws so much attention because people want to see how their friends are doing. But, for millions every day, it is an entertaining diversion that allows them to show off how good they are at networking and completing simple tasks.

Using a Guide

But, let's face it. Mafia Wars, for as simple as it seems, is tough to do well in. There are just so many people out there and you have to compete with every single one of them. They rob you, beat you up and take all the good mafia members. So, where do you go to find the path to glory without spending tons of cash (*cough* Godfather Points *cough*).

The answer is simple enough now that I've stumbled upon the Mafia Wars Blueprint. This guide, which was recently released to quite a bit of interest, is quickly becoming the go to guide for anyone truly serious about finding the best guide on the market to help them launch their Mafioso career.

The basics are relatively simple. The guide shows you how to get started in the game, how to build your mafia at rapid speed without having to spend a dime, and how to never actually get beaten by your enemies.

Beyond that though, it shows you to reduce the time spent while getting more from that time. The biggest problem most people have with this game is that they're not bored college students who have nothing better to do than to sit around and play the game.

So, a guide like this that breaks it down in a way that makes it incredibly easy to get a lot done very quickly is incredibly impressive.

Do You Need a Good Guide

You may not think you need a good guide, but the odds are that you're just as far behind everyone as I was a few weeks ago. The Mafia Wars Blueprint is the real deal. It's going to get you to where you need to be, where you can dominate your enemies, and quickly land atop the heap of millions that play this game. You do that and you'll be pretty much set for as long as you continue to play the game. Check it out.

The Truth Behind the Mafia Wars Blueprint

The Mafia Wars Blueprint, the newest in a long line of recent game guide releases for Mafia Wars made its way to my desktop over the weekend and after giving it a read, I wanted to share my thoughts with everyone about how the newest in the current batch of game guides for the world's fastest growing social game turned out.

The Basics

The guide, very much like the other Mafia Wars guides, claims that it can help you learn how to be the better of the many, many mafia bosses out there. However, unlike a lot of those other guides, it doesn't waste time with very few details and a whole lot of common sense. There are some actually useful tips in this guide and that makes it a very appealing purchase for anyone who has ever spent more than 20 minutes trying to figure out what they were doing in Mafia Wars while their friends battered them senseless.

So, the early test was a positive one. But, how did the guide hold up upon further inspection? To my honest surprise, very well.

This guide is clearly written by someone who has spent a great deal of time mastering the art of building a mafia and dominating their opponents (something I am just becoming familiar with). They know exactly how to build a mafia family (and fast), and how to turn that family into the vehicle necessary to take down anyone that stands their way.

I've seen a lot of people make a lot of claims thus far with this game and to tell you the truth, they usually fall short, but Mafia Wars Blueprint really delivers.

The guide is about twice as long as the other ones on the market, is far more detailed in telling you exactly what you're supposed to be doing, and is updated regularly for anyone worried that they'll fall behind when Moscow hits the game.

So, if you're looking for a Mafia Wars guide, this should be the first (and last) one you check out. For what it promises, nothing else does better.

go here

What Does it Take to Max Out Your Mafia Wars Position?

I'll admit it, I have a guilty pleasure and its name is Mafia Wars. I sincerely doubt I'm alone in this regard, but that doesn't make it any less silly. There are millions of other players out there right now who take this thing way more seriously than I ever will and that's at least mildly comforting.

So, when I stumbled upon a guide the other day that claimed to help you reach the top of the pile where all the elite mafias are sitting I was a little dubious. These guys pour hours of their life into the game. How can I be one of them without doing the same? It's expensive, right?

How it Works

So, rather than wonder if I'd be forever at the bottom of the pile (I'm just a bit competitive after all), I decided to check out the guide and see exactly what it was that the gurus were expecting me to do to become one of the top players.

Turns out, it's not that hard.

That's not entirely accurate. These tips are genius, and well researched. But, when you read them, you're going to hit your head on the keyboard and wonder why you never considered what you could have done to become one of those very gurus we all ogle.

Here's the deal. The guide is relatively simple. It tells you exactly what you need to figure out and master the game from the ground up. But, if you're already level 34, you can use the same tips to revamp your strategies.

My favourite part was when it told me how to get 500 in my family in a couple days. Granted, it took me a full week, but still...I had 500 in my family in a week. That's insane.

I'm not quite up to level 150+ yet, but I'm well on my way to the top of the charts and you'd better believe I'm going to brag about it. If you're serious about being really, really good at this game you really ought to give this guide a shot.

Have a look

Why You Should Never Pay Cash for Godfather Points in Mafia Wars

There are so many people playing Mafia Wars with so many different styles of play that it might seem impossible to become one of the truly good ones who are capable of knocking off his or her opponents with ease and practiced skill. Yet, there are some very specific things you can do that, if done properly, will help you be successful at the game no matter what your play style is.

Building Your Mafia

Your mafia is the single most important thing for you success in this game. If you want to do well, make sure you have a decent sized collection of family members even as you just get started. This can be done easily enough by contacting all your friends, going to blogs and swapping mafia members with other mafias on forums. Never spend your Godfather points on getting new members however. It's not worth it.

Getting Godfather Points

Godfather points are the root of all success in this game. The attack power and defensive boosts you get from loading up on these points is enough to help you take on enemies 50 or 100 levels higher than you. That kind of power up is almost impossible to come by any other way. The key here is not to spend cash on these or to give away your real contact info to the special offers that the game wants you to fill out. Rather, use a fake email address and sign up for as many that don't require credit card numbers as possible.

Playing Every Day

If you play the game every day you can do a tremendous job of tapping your energy when it is available and getting the most out of your account. Additionally, you can play the lottery daily and get a much better rate of return on your Godfather points. You don't need to play hours a day, but a 10 minute login every day will do wonders for your play.

If you do these things, are ruthless with your opponents and never fall behind in the game, you will quickly find that you can blast your way to the top of the Mafia Wars hierarchy without having to pay any extra cash, or wheedle any favors out of your fellow players. Just play well, be careful and build your mafia quickly. Those are the secrets to success.

Three Easy Ways to Grow Your Mafia in Mafia Wars

Mafia Wars is a game about many things, but first and foremost among those things is the importance of growing your Mafia. If you're not able to build a large enough group of fellow players to use in the game, you're going to find it very hard to acquire the resources and complete the jobs necessary to stay on top. So, what are the best ways to grow that mafia and take control? Here are three highly effective ways to make it happen without having to spend a single Godfather Point.

1. Networking on Facebook

Facebook and MySpace are already huge social networks and if you have a few hundred friends, use them. Send out invitations to everyone on your friend list to join your mafia, regardless of how well you know them (steer clear of your co-workers and boss though if you have work connections). Most people will just say yes and if they already have their account, they'll reciprocate. Don't waste time by not using the tools already in front of you.

2. Forums and Chatrooms

Alternately, you can find plenty of social venues where you can discuss the game and find people willing to swap places with you in each other's mafias. This is a prime way to start building up your mafia size without having to spend any additional points or make new friends. You don't need to stay social to keep you mafia size up, so just find a few people willing to take the rewards you give them and you should be good.

3. Blogging and Craigslist

If you have a blog or are well known somewhere, use that prestige to gather new members. A simple note on your blog about needing new family members will often times take care of the problem all by itself. Alternately, you can post an ad on Craigslist and ask people to join up (it does actually work). Just make sure you don't give away any personal information until you have checked out the people who reply.

If you use the tools that the Internet provides you for free, you'll quickly find that it takes very little time or effort to boost your position on Mafia Wars with a full family of 500. It might seem like a stretch, but in just a few weeks you can be one of those top level players too.

Five Things that Need Careful Planning in Mafia Wars

Mafia Wars is one of those games that requires very careful planning and a keen eye for detail if you're serious about landing the highest level rewards and truly performing well against fellow players. However, for a game that seems so relatively simple to get into, the game holds a tremendous amount of depth, which can make that planning relatively hard. So, here are five things you should keep in mind as you get started:

Your Family Size

If you're serious about winning, build your family size up as quickly as possible. This means from level 1 you should be out there recruiting heavily. If you wait until you're Level 100, you'll spend countless extra hours trying to make things work without actually having a gameplan. Use Facebook, contact your friends, use your blog. Whatever tools are at your disposal should be used carefully to build that family size up.

Your Godfather Points

You need Godfather points, but you should be careful about how you get them. Some people willingly spend cash or give away their personal data to get them and there's no reason. Rather, you can spend just a few minutes each day filling out your lottery numbers, and using fake information for offers and get all the Godfather points you need.

Completing Jobs

Complete your jobs as quickly as you can and with the most possible rewards. The key here though is to remember that you need to scale up your jobs as you level and to do a diverse range of them to get all the possible rewards so that later on, you will have all the jobs available to you.

Buying Properties

Buy properties, starting with the easiest to attain. You'll find that as the properties break down, you need to spend money to keep them up, so don't waste any time buying properties that are not going to give a solid return on their investment.

Fighting Your Enemies

Fighting your fellow players in Mafia Wars is more or less pointless and wastes your resources. Rather, you should focus on building your levels, getting more points and recruiting new family members. If you do that with the time you have each day, you'll be much more successful in the long run.

If you follow the details outlined above, you'll do much better in Mafia Wars than you ever thought possible. It's a simple matter of being careful with the time you have to spend and analyzing how you invest everything carefully.